Просмотр полной версии : I thank for the answer on November, 14th 09:27. The matter is that diagnostic laporot...

28.08.2004, 01:20
I thank for the answer on November, 14th 09:27. The matter is that diagnostic laporotomiju in OTTo have made. A question: whether at this diagnostics the pseudomyxoma is defined or determined? And why OTTo have decided to postpone operation on excision of a myoma on 2- weeks, up to monthly. How I have understood a pseudomyxoma it already an oncology why they have not taken the test for an oncology, wait? Whether there can be it simply allergic reaction on ZOLODEKS?

Pasenjuk A.M.
29.08.2004, 15:24
No, psevlomiksoma it not malignant, but a tumour capable to very fast body height and a degeneration. On zoladeks there can not be such reaction. Why has decided to postpone operation not seeing you I can not tell or say.