Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy of 12 13 weeks. Has bought or purchased folivuju an acid, but has forgotten to specify in ap...

26.08.2004, 18:07
Pregnancy of 12 13 weeks. Has bought or purchased folivuju an acid, but has forgotten to specify in a drugstore a dosage of reception. Not this information?

The anonym
27.08.2004, 19:14
During pregnancy it is necessary to accept all complex of vitamins, and not just folievoju an acid, therefore it is necessary to drink special vitamins for pregnant women - "Maternu", " ultra-prenatal ", "Pregnavit", it is not enough for high-grade development of the child of one Acidum folicum!

The anonym
28.08.2004, 05:11
On 2 tablets in day if will not accept other vitamins. Otherwise in addition Acidum folicum to accept it is not necessary.

29.08.2004, 13:52
To me the doctor has appointed or nominated to drink Acidum folicum on 1 tablet 3 times a day. Thus she was well informed that I accept Maternu.