Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I accept Mersilon already the second cycle. From collateral effektov-...

26.08.2004, 14:29
I accept Mersilon already the second cycle. From collateral effektov-only botched work during all cycle. The doctor has told or said, that for the decision of problems with a skin it is possible to replace a preparation on tri-mersi. Whether has sense to pass to a three-phase preparation? 23 years, are not present children. Whether reaction of accustoming of an organism on tri-mersi is possible or probable again? At acceptance OK with higher maintenance or contents of hormones, allocation inside of a cycle should disappear? Whether is such tri-mersi?

Shishkanova O.L.
29.08.2004, 10:07
Krovjanistye allocation can be during 3 first cycles of reception of a preparation. If signs are saved and further, it is possible to think of other OK.