Просмотр полной версии : Edravstvujte the Doctor! Tell or Say please, whether it is possible to speak that DEA...

29.08.2004, 04:51
Edravstvujte the Doctor!
Tell or Say please, whether it is possible to speak what DEA - Zinci sulfas = 322, 9 (at norm or rate from 10, 0 up to 333 / 100 ml) is all - taki high enough quantity or amount for a female organism? Whether it can cause constant delays monthly, and as consequence or investigation augmentation of ovaries, to struggle with what it is possible only by means of Diana 35. Whether can on a background it is those kol-VA a hormone to drop out hair and whether their restoration, after normalization of a hormonal level is possible or probable? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
29.08.2004, 09:14
The isolated rising of level DGA does not happen. Even its or his such value or meanings;importance concern to the top border of norm or rate!. The diagnosis at you is not established or installed, and to struggle with the isolated signs it is impossible.