Просмотр полной версии : Devo4ki ckazhite, vcegda li test pokazivaet beremennoct c pervogo dnya zade...

25.08.2004, 05:03
Devo4ki ckazhite, vcegda li test pokazivaet beremennoct c pervogo dnya zaderzhki ili bivaet ne c pervogo dnya i nado e6e podozhdat?

27.08.2004, 04:28
Certainly happens. The test is based or founded;established that at urine of the pregnant woman there is a special hormone. And it individually for different organisms.

29.08.2004, 08:48
Yes, happens, practically always, it is simple as have correctly noticed, it zavasit from a hormone hchg which is developed or produced with the advent of pregnancy all over again in small kol-vah, and in due course in greater or big! Try to make in couple of days the test or descend or go on vaginalnoe Uzi, it most quickly will show on result of Success to you!