Просмотр полной версии : The gynecologist has appointed or nominated analyses of a blood: hormones, gemostaziogramma + assay on VA. ...

26.08.2004, 13:50
The gynecologist has appointed or nominated analyses of a blood: hormones, gemostaziogramma + assay on VA.
Prompt, what is this assay on VA? Heard about what that to "lupus"...

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.08.2004, 18:46
VA it is lupoid anticoagulant, a parameter of presence antifosfolipidnogo a syndrome. antifosfolipidnyj the syndrome can cause nevynashivanija, can is developed in a systemic lupus erythematosus - the serious disease amazing all organism.

29.08.2004, 07:42
The doctor, thanks for the answer!
At me positive assay on VA, first pregnancy has stood on 10 12 weeks.
There can be a reason in it or this?
How it to be treated?