Просмотр полной версии : Hello! 3 did or made cesarean, in 7 8 months after rozhdeni back...

28.08.2004, 05:28
Hello! 3 did or made cesarean back, in 7 8 months after a birth of the child have put a spiral, but ch/z 2 m-tsa the strong itch of genitals with left storony-a spiral has begun have cleaned or removed and appointed or nominated " Depo-Probelief " constantly (c the extremity or end 98. Till March, 2000); with 05/03/2000 it is cancelled t. To. The itch not prohodil-though the dermatologist too appointed or nominated ointments and medicines. For all this period periodically revealed or taped a candidiasis (now like is not present); now the proctal or anal itch like slept, but monthly and have not appeared since March, 05th, 2000, moreover constantly analysis on crop of cleanliness of the channel shows vosspalitelnyj process - reveal or tap any coccuses which perish only from ampitsillina-which to me and appointed or nominated + Nistatinum + Milajf. But nothing helps or assists. Help or assist.

Oshchepkova S.R.
28.08.2004, 13:32
The reason of a candidiasis can be Depot - Probelief - very much often so happens. It is necessary to survey and treat the partner. To hand over smears on other infections: a ureaplasmosis, a mycoplasmosis, chlamydias, gardnerelly (bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz). In occasion of men - tsy to make US, to exclude pregnancy and to cause men - tsiju. At you by-effects after injections of Depot - provera-an amenorrhea were showed.