Просмотр полной версии : Hello, whether tell or say can be such, that at my girlfriend on last not...

Elena Sergeevna
09.08.2004, 04:54
Hello, whether tell or say can be such, that at my girlfriend last week by results of uzi have put pregnancy of 12 weeks (she did or made it or him in 3 different places), but on protjazhennii these weeks at it or her proceeded monthly every month as it is necessary. Whether probably such. Thanks for the answer

Malanova T.B.
09.08.2004, 19:09
Most likely, it were displays of threat of an abortion in days of a possible or probable menses.

28.08.2004, 08:13
Good afternoon, comment please on my situation:
Uzi vizualiz-sja two uteruses or uterus right 5, 2* 3, 0* 5, 2 left 4, 2* 2, 6* 3, 4, contours equal precise. Meho a lion. 7, 3 Meho pr. 7, 3 see, ODES vizual. 3, 4* 1, 7 it is not increased it is homogeneous, OS vizual. 5, 7* 3, 2 it is increased it is non-uniform sets. zhidk. vkljuch-I and one in the structure d2. 5* 3. 0. Conclusions the Echo attributes of an incomplete gemination mtki. Cystic change of the left ovary. (has passed or has taken place course of treatment in a hospital).
R-you metrosalpingografii-the cavity of the uterus is hardly filled has the expressed two-corned form. The right pipe is filled up to apmuljatornogo a department, left - is filled on all extent, traces of contrast in a cavity of a small basin. Anamalija razvitija-a two-corned uterus. (has passed or has taken place a course antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory, rassasyvajushchej therapies, an electrophoresis with Lydasum of 10 times)
Analyses on infektsii-negative (t. e. In norm or rate)
Hormones: Progesteronum 7. ts. 1, 96 (at 10 89 nm/), Testosteron-Depotum 1, 54 (at 0, 5 4, 3/), prlaktin 251, 0 (at 67 726 mme/l, 17 ketosteroidy 32, 4 mkmol/sut (22, 2 62, 5), estrodiol 7 d. ts. 9, 2 (30 138, 7), LG 7. TS. 6, 1 (0, 8 15, 3), FSG 7 d. ts. 1, 1 (2, 5 12, 8), a hydrocortisone 285, 8 (252 603), 4-the general or common 54, 8 (50 150), TTG-1, 33 (0, 3 3, 9), DGEA-With 4, 5 (0, 8 3, 9). The basal temperature in some cycles simply chaotic in the some people in the first phase from 36, 4 up to 36, 8 in the second 36, 9 up to 37, 1, but the second phase begins about 19 22 days of a cycle sometimes with retractions of temperature. At me body height of hair above a upper lip a small pappus in the same way on a stomach or belly and a breast is a little raised or increased. The doctor has written out deksometozon constantly 2. In day, dufaston about 16 days of a cycle of 10 days 2. In day., in current 2 h cycles klomid 5-go on 9* of-th d. ts., Has told or said if will not help or assist it will be necessary to accept diane 35, and after a cancelling to try to become pregnant. I prchitala, what klomid lead to augmentation kol-VA Testosteron-Depotum, and me DGEA and so it is raised or increased it not the contradiction?

Malanova T.B.
28.08.2004, 12:51
All is appointed or nominated correctly.