Просмотр полной версии : Little girls, and porekommendujte books or courses in Moscow where learn or teach as pravil...

16.08.2004, 06:37
Little girls, and porekommendujte books or courses in Moscow where learn or teach as correctly to breathe at sorts or labors. In general it is adequate itself at sorts or labors of a message. And that the decree not far off - I start to feel trouble - I go on unfamiliar terriroriju. %

19.08.2004, 11:37
After sorts or labors I have understood, that is good, that did not spend money and time for similar courses. t. To. All is forgotten when comes to give birth or travail to time... Both doctors and obstetrixes or obstetricses to you will tell or say what to do or make, and if will not tell or say, intuitively will understand, how to you it is better. .no it only my opinion...

20.08.2004, 19:28
I consider or count, what is it it is necessary. But only by way of small preparation. I remember the first labors, everything to that learned or taught was not useful, t. To. pochemu-that the panic small has begun.. And for preparation books will suffice also. The main thing - to not panic, if fights will surpass expectation. And if with you the close person (the husband, the sister will go...) - then it is better to pass or take place courses together. Even at your inaaccurance always there will be one who will be in kind health:) And it much more to you will facilitate labors (massage of a back, the help as when to do or make), and encouragement plays a huge role..

Mum of the kid
23.08.2004, 03:40
And I poazhlela on the contrary, that read nothing and did not go anywhere. My opinion too only mine, but I be pregnant now, would go not only on courses, but also on yoga for pregnant women. Very important correctly to prepare muscles.... Can, would give birth itself then who knows.

23.08.2004, 23:39
_! Inform the e-mail, I shall send you the book on which at least three women already have given birth and practically without problems (I know them personally). I too read it or her already some times, soon to give birth or travail and I is quiet on this bill, I think, even will get rid of trouble. Or naishite to me: leto-biker@inbox. ru

?-the for LETO
27.08.2004, 20:15
LETO, thanks!:) I have written to you the letter by mail.

28.08.2004, 11:38
Very class courses school the JEWELRY. For me it is a find. Now with the husband there it is or are engaged. www. gemschool. ru at the first pregnancy thought, as itself I shall give birth without problems and to the second it became clear, that it is necessary to prepare for sorts or labors. At this school good (checked up personally) groups at Oli Pavlovoj and JUli Postnew. Like slshala, what not bad school the Magic child www. magichild. ru but it is not checked up. At all schools there are trial employment or occupations - resemble look or see that will approach or suit more