Просмотр полной версии : To me of 27 years (body height of 168 weight 70) A year with the husband we try to become pregnant, but nich...

24.08.2004, 13:05
To me of 27 years (body height of 168 weight 70)
A year with the husband we try to become pregnant, but nothing leaves (
Handed over all analyses on PTSR all in norm or rate, spermogramma at the husband excellent or different.
I checked pipes on permeability, very well.
Basal temperature in norm or rate. Having made US have found out, that endometry too thin and follicles small in this connection, my doctor has decided to spend stimulation (klostilbegit, mikrofolin, deksametozon).
In current of three months a saw of a medicine, increasing or enlarging with each month a dose and all is vain. And the US shows, that follicles grow up to 24 mm, but nothing occurs or happens. And the temperature on a background of medicines rises not above 36, 9 degrees and on 20 put only, though earlier for 15 day.

I the doctor similar already in confusion also offers me a laparoscopy, I do not know as to do or make, time and money would leave in anywhere .hotelos to consult with you. You could not comment on my situation.
Yours faithfully, Oksana.

Malanova T.B.
28.08.2004, 06:17
At such thin endometrii, any stimulation effeta nedaet. It is necessary to spend the therapy directed on body height endometrija. Only then to speak about pregnancy. Very good results are given in such situation with a physiotherapy.