Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Five years ago to me have removed an oothecoma, then peri...

26.08.2004, 19:06
The dear doctor! Five years ago to me have removed an oothecoma then periodically there are pains with irradiatsiej in a rectum. Doctors have told or said, such pains iz-for solderings (whether there are solderings, it is obscure) are possible or probable. Back I have given birth to HALF a year. In the beginning of pregnancy there was a bleeding, pains in accuracy as is usual, with irradiatsiej in a rectum, only awfully strong prjamo-taki acute. Became then more silent. The bleeding in 2 weeks has stopped, further pregnancy proceeded normally. After sorts or labors of month through 3 pains with irradiatsiej in a rectum again periodically began to appear. During pregnancy not time did or made US of a uterus, have found out a myoma 4, other pathology was not. On a regular basis I happen at the gynecologist, he does not do or make US, speaks, what is it the organism has not recovered yet from sorts or labors. A menses after sorts or labors regular. Whether there CAN be these pains from old solderings? FROM a myoma? Whether they will proceed all life? Whether To demand to me specially for US? Thanks for advice or council!

Maljarskaja M.M.
28.08.2004, 01:39
It can be an attribute of an endometriosis, but it or he can be seen only on a laparoscopy. Esoi pains appear before mensturatsiej is in favour of enzhometrioza If chaotically, do not depend on a cycle - in pozu a chronic inflammation of appendages and solderings. Helps or assists thus fiioterapija. Osttorozhno - at iome uteruses not any physiotherapy is shown.