Просмотр полной версии : Asked about spermogrammu the husband. To him have appointed or nominated Spemna and Aevitum. There is enough...

24.08.2004, 05:37
Asked about spermogrammu the husband. To him have appointed or nominated Spemna and Aevitum. Whether it is enough it? What medicinal lechene you had in view of and what shchansy on its or his success?

25.08.2004, 00:22
Excuse, that I interfere. You, likely, meant speman. Doctors (the urologist and androlog) spoke us, that speman is a superfluous expenditure of money, effect almost zero.

26.08.2004, 16:30
Excuse, that I interfere. You, likely, meant speman. Doctors (the urologist and androlog) spoke us, that speman is a superfluous expenditure of money, effect almost zero. And Aevitum is vitaminchiki, very or very much to hope for them it is not necessary.

Mozhzhevelov S.B.
27.08.2004, 20:55
And vitamins and speman in the certain cases can render a soft positive effect and, as a rule are considered or examined;surveyed, how elements of complex treatment. More serious treatment aznachaetsja vrachem on internal reception depending on a concrete situation, as a rule is hormonal preparations, and also surgical treatment with use of microsurgical technics or technical equipment in some cases is required.