Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Three weeks ago has made mini-abortion. Allocation were observed...

26.08.2004, 22:32
Three weeks ago has made mini-abortion. Allocation were observed in current 2 h weeks, then they have stopped, and in days have renewed again. Allocation not plentiful, brownish color. What is it can be? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
27.08.2004, 15:49
Probably flaccid endometritis, it is necessary to descend or go on reception and on US. And antibacterial therapy and a physiotherapy to you spent?

27.08.2004, 20:21
Antibacterial - spent. A saw in current of 5 days Trichopolum, a doxycycline and Nistatinum. And 3 days no-shpu. A physiotherapy did not appoint or nominate.