Просмотр полной версии : To me 23 years. Pregnancy the first. Abortion by way of posledujushche is how much dangerous...

26.08.2004, 14:43
To me 23 years. Pregnancy the first. Abortion by way of the subsequent sterility or barrenness is how much dangerous? To me spoke, that in general it will be difficult to me to become pregnant: it is broken or disturbed men. The cycle, rectal temperature does not rise up to 37 (hormones), a bend of a uterus. And it has appeared on the contrary. Now gde-that 2 week. At me strong herpes on labiums. It is very harmful to the pregnant woman? Thus at me two questions.

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.08.2004, 18:15
Approximately in 20 % of cases after abortion and the first pregnancy there comes sterility or barrenness. Solve.
The herpes are dangerous developmental anomalies of a fetus, the serodiagnosis for predelenija becomings infected of a fetus + carefully observation and treatment is required.