Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me pregnancy of 7/8 weeks (posledn., menstr., 2 sentja...

It is lovely
27.08.2004, 13:14
Hello! At me pregnancy of 7/8 weeks (posledn., menstr., on September, 2nd). The doctor in clinic by which I am observed on pregnancy puts to me threat of an abortion being based that at me a constant nagging pain in a bottom of a stomach or belly and analyses of a blood on Progesteronum and a theelol (3).
11.10.2001. progesteron-1.49 ng/ml
Norm or Rate:
follikulinovaja a phase 0, 2 31 ng/ml
ljuteinovaja a phase 0, 3 20, 3 ng/ml
1 trimester 19, 2 54, 7 ng/ml
Estriol-0.85 nmol/l
Norm or Rate:
14 ned + 3 days - 3, 4
15 ned + 3 days - 4, 4
The doctor has appointed or nominated Djufaston: 2 tabl in day and Methacinum 2 tab. in day.
Progesteronum - 41, 37 ng/ml
Theelol (3) 0.86 ng/ml.
Today I have gone in ZH/To the doctor have looked or seen my analyses and have told or said, that threat is not present, the stomach or belly hurts, t. To the uterus grows, and on threat not a blood hand over, and a smear take. Has recommended: Djufaston 1 tab. in day, a papaverine (suppositories) and no-shpa. Before reception of result of a smear.
To that to believe? Bloody vydeleny was not. Thanks.
It is lovely.

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.08.2004, 18:14
At the given stage I recommend to believe the doctor zh/to more, tk it is correct, that in the first trimester analyses on a theelol are not indicative, but also Progesteronum on this term can be low.