Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please! Whether there are ways of struggle against a toxicosis! At me 6 weeks...

26.08.2004, 09:21
Prompt please! Whether there are ways of struggle against a toxicosis! At me 6 weeks and two weeks turn out every day under the full program on end. Laid in hospital on droppers, all over again was lutchshe, and then became again active to tear. Can eat at whom nibud experience of such problem and methods of treatment.

27.08.2004, 16:24
If a toxicosis such strong and you cannot consult - it is impossible to be engaged in amateur performance, observation of the doctor, treatment on a hospital, t is necessary. To. To the baby from it or this can become worse. If you already laid in hospital - after an extract to you d.. To appoint or nominate tabletirovannoe treatment (Hofitol, it it is possible Nuks-vomiku). For support it is possible to buy or purchase tea "antitoxicosis", their choice now in drugstores is diverse. And so ways of struggle all the same - sharply to not rise, to not overload a stomach, to eat kislenkoe. To drink unsweet tea with a lemon in the morning. Success!