Просмотр полной версии : Hello!!! To me of 19 years. At me a delay 12 days. For 4 and 6 day, de...

24.08.2004, 13:52
Hello!!! To me of 19 years. At me a delay 12 days. For 4 and 6 day, did or made the test for pregnancy, result negative, for 8 day descended or went to the doctor and he has told or said, that most likely is pregnant and that tests define or determine pregnancy only for 10 day (though on them it is written from first day of a delay). At me what signs of pregnancy are not present, for 11 day has made again the test, - result negative. Tell or say, as well as who and in what terms it is possible know about pregnancy precisely. And how much or as far as these tests are correct!!! For earlier thanks!!

24.08.2004, 22:52
The test has given us a positive take for the second day after a delay though the line was enough thin. But, speak happens, that tests are mistaken.

26.08.2004, 06:45
The test has given us a positive take for the second day after a delay though the line was enough thin. Any other attributes too was not. But, speak happens, that tests are mistaken.

27.08.2004, 14:35
The test has given me. A floor. Result only on the third week of a delay. Now pregnancy of 20 weeks. You need to hand over a blood on HGCH and, by results of, US.