Просмотр полной версии : 1) whether When and how to learn or find out is an infection, there has already passed or there has already taken place week, after nakladyvan...

It is white
26.08.2004, 09:34
1) whether When and how to learn or find out is an infection, there has already passed or there has already taken place week, after overlaying seams (ITSN)? 2) whether It is necessary to check seams how often it is necessary to do or make it and why?

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.08.2004, 14:00
When - when will go to hand over analyses as - to hand over a blood on a serodiagnosis of infections.
The seam is examined by the doctor toko pr occurrence of pains, vydeleny and tp, otherwise try to not touch or not tamper with it or him once again.