Просмотр полной версии : Hello! 2 months ago I accepted pastinor 2 times, then at me a cycle...

27.08.2004, 10:36
Hello! 2 months ago I accepted pastinor 2 times, then at me the cycle has begun earlier for 2 weeks. Now all is normal. But I had a situation that I need to accept it or him again, what consequences at me can be if I so often accepted this medicine. I heard about ablation of a uterus, etc. Here now I stay in a depressed case...

Soboleva L.I.
27.08.2004, 13:49
Hello, Natalia! Believe, that ablation of a uterus only iz-for reception postinora did not do or make to any woman! However reception postinora - the big stress for an organism. Disturbances of a cycle and genesial function are quite possible or probable. If pregnancy is extremely undesirable to you - it is possible to accept and postinor. In that case then, probably, medical assistance for correction of a cycle is required. Also think of more reliable and postonnoj contraceptions. It is much more safe.