Просмотр полной версии : Has addressed to the doctor in occasion of a burning sensation and an itch. Have made a smear and crop. Obnaruzh...

26.08.2004, 09:40
Has addressed to the doctor in occasion of a burning sensation and an itch. Have made a smear and crop. Have found out a bacterial vaginosis (PTSR) and yeast. Chlamydias, a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma (too PTSR) - are not present. Has treated a bacterial vaginosis with antibiotics (Trichopolum and suppositories Flagylum),
Then the fungus has very much amplified. After that difljukan and ginopevaril have not helped or assisted,
Then have still appointed or nominated difljukan and neo-penotran, together with syringings tsitealom and then brown.
The inflammation has decreased, but allocation all the same have not stopped. Now to me have appointed or nominated geksikon, and through a week break betadin.
Geksikon I have already made, but results again any.
Why nothing helps or assists me? And why on geksikone it is written, what he does not act griby-means, the doctor suspects at me still something? But new analyses has not appointed or nominated.
I trust the doctor, but she accepts once a week. And vse-taki it would be desirable to know, for what me treat. All this lasts the third month, I already in despair.
What to me now delat-again to go to the doctor? Or to suffer or bear all this week, and then to try to treat betadinom?
Thanks you.

Malanova T.B.
27.08.2004, 00:15
Inga, I especially do not know, for what you treat, why to you, at absence of effect, have not made crop sozherzhimogo a vagina?