Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, at me little bit strange question. Advise, please...

25.08.2004, 12:40
The dear doctor, at me little bit strange question. Advise, please, what books (and it is even better sites!) on genetics it is possible to esteem for the person absolutely not not connected with medicine (education fiz-mat). Simply this subject is very interesting to me. Searched on the Internet about a daltonism, anything putnego has not found - but has come across that cats cannot be three-coloured. Well very much it would be desirable to understand in general. Prompt the book that main principles spoke a popular level. In advance I thank.

Kuznetsova E.A.
26.08.2004, 23:39
In shop " Medical book " can find the literature for doctors and the average personnel, and also for students. Concerning nauchno-the popular literature - I can tell or say nothing, very much often she contains "incorrect" data.