Просмотр полной версии : Till a birth of the child always were irregular monthly, for 3 days began...

23.08.2004, 22:23
Till a birth of the child always were irregular monthly, for 3 days botched work began. After sorts or labors began to drink Diane-35, the cycle was adjusted, after a while some days prior to monthly began to appear pink allocation. Have found a polyp shejki uteruses, it or him have removed. 2 reptiles all were in norm or rate. Vsvjazi with a bad acceptability to Diana, has ceased to drink it or him. The cycle irregular became - 20 32 days. In 3 months has handed over all analyses on an infection, has made US, survey at the gynecologist. All in norm or rate. In a month before monthly for one day prior to the beginning pink small allocation, and then nachinajutja monthly. So there were 2 times. And now has passed or has taken place even a month and for 3 days prior to the beginning small brown allocation, and already then monthly. What does it mean? Whether could for 3 months, what I was not at the doctor to arise a polyp or still or even any disease?

Malanova T.B.
26.08.2004, 20:37
The polyp is a display of a chronic inflammation of a uterus (endometrija), so and now at you, probably, this display of a chronic endometritis. It is necessary to specify a situation.