Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me 1 group grovi a rhesus negative, at the husband 2 group re...

21.08.2004, 19:22
Hello! At me 1 group grovi a rhesus negative, at the husband 2 group a rhesus positive. I ask to respond that at whom similar data. We want the child of the first. Tell or say please to you did or made what nibud analyses or nyxes at the first pregnancy. In advance I thank. And all of the big success

22.08.2004, 21:22
Hello! At me 2 group of a blood a rhesus negative, at the husband 1 group of a blood a rhesus positive. Now pregnancy of 15 weeks. Every month I hand over a blood on antibodies from a vein. Antibodies are not present. In general at the first pregnancy of an antibody almost always are not developed or produced.

23.08.2004, 17:26
Read clause or article on this subject: the first pregnancy usually passes or takes place problemlessly, but NECESSARILY within 24 48 hours after sorts or labors in a maternity home to you should make a nyxis (precisely I do not remember it seems gamma-a globulin, specify the doctor) that did not have problems with FOLLOWING pregnancy. .inogda in maternity homes there is no this preparation, you should take care of it or this most and in advance, with me in chamber there was a girl, she a medicine with herself has brought also to her it or him have pricked. .no NOT LATER than 48 hours!

26.08.2004, 17:40
At us with the husband the same data as at you, me the doctor has told or said that all would will be well main that antibodies were not Success