Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me such question: couple of weeks back at me have found a cyst pra...

25.08.2004, 01:17
Hello. At me such question: couple of weeks back at me of 35* 45* 38 mm have found a cyst of the right ovary. (did or made US, it was last day a cycle, monthly have begun next day). The doctor has told or said, that I need to come still time right after monthly to find out, what sort a cyst. But today she at all did not begin to look me, has simply asked, whether there are pains. I have told or said, that is (sometimes pulls in the bottom of a stomach or belly). As a result she has written out to me Trichopolum, TSifran and suppositories with Indomethacinum. Tell or say please, whether it is necessary to me to accept all these medicines or it is just necessary to descend or go to other doctor?

Malanova T.B.
26.08.2004, 17:04
Once again descend or go on US. Indications for antibacterial therapy at present are not present.