Просмотр полной версии : The karyotype 49 is found out in the husband, XY, 9ph. Explain please, what is it such...

19.08.2004, 16:43
The karyotype 49 is found out in the husband, XY, 9ph. Explain please, what is it such and than it threatens? .rekomendovana prenatal diagnostics in 1 trimester of pregnancy. What will occur or happen if the child will inherit precisely same karyotype? Whether there will be it the indication for an abortion?

Talanova E.J.
20.08.2004, 10:52
Dear Natalia! And All of you about a karyotype have specified? Result or bring, please, more detailed conclusion. The karyotype inherited by the child, not necessarily repeats maternal or fatherly. The variant of a karyotype of the child depends on how chromosomes will miss at education of a spermatozoon. In your case most important, whether will be thus duplitsirovan or it is lost (that even more important!) any chromosomal material. Various variants of such duplications or shortages are possible or probable, but thus the probability of a normal karyotype at a fetus is rather high also. Therefore prenatal diagnostics in the first trimester not simply desirable, but a necessary measure.

21.08.2004, 01:12
Madam Talanova E. ! I Result or Bring the full conclusion:
" At cytogenetic analysis FGA-stimulirovannyh lymphocytes of a peripheric blood the karyotype 46, XY, 9ph is established or installed.
It is recommended: Prenatal diagnostics at spouses in the first trimester of pregnancy. "
According to genetics such karyotype in the Netherlands is considered norm or rate (at them of 3 % taky people), but in England is not present, still she spoke something about "polymorphism" and "reorganization". What is it such?
Whether it is impossible to manage the triad test, measurement TVP? to. I already had an abortion on 10 and I am afraid as though a biopsy of a chorion not sprovatsirovala similar? On what earliest term it is possible to make genet. US?

Talanova E.J.
22.08.2004, 10:26
Dear Natalia! Here see: 46 XY (instead of 49 as was, probably, it is by mistake written in your first report). It essentially changes business (in fact I cannot tell or say in what of symbols the typing error could be admitted or allowed or there was something nedopisano - therefore has asked to result or bring you the full formulation). The given karyotype really meets not too seldom (unlike 49.. And without indicatings, what 49), and not only in the Netherlands. The doctor I spoke practically the same, as about inheritance of a karyotype, only in other words (chromosomal reorganization was meant just as possible or probable loss or duplication of a part genet. A material during a gametogenesis, and the polymorphism is that concerns to 9ph. I would not began to risk without additional need (in occasion of a biopsy of a chorion) as the risk of discontinuing though also not so big, but vse-taki exists. The US can be made two times - week on 8 9 (just in terms of a biopsy of a chorion if suddenly, God forbid, what not so), then the triad test as it is necessary, on 15 16 week and more time of US, and there - it will be visible, and if that, God forbid - that to be guided already on amniotsentez. Still a question to you: and you kariotipirovali?

24.08.2004, 01:43
Dear Elena Jurevna! obromnoe thanks for the detailed answer. Yes, me too kariotipirovali also have established or installed a karyotype 46, XX. Still such question as such (husband) a karyotype influences it or him? And why there are such disturbances (if it is disturbances?)

25.08.2004, 00:01
Elena Jurevna! I Wish to ask once again nevertheless, what such "polymorphism", what all taki not so it or him with chromosomes? (I certainly understand, that it is difficult to explain blind what color a rainbow, but nevertheless).
Many thanks.

Talanova E.J.
26.08.2004, 14:31
Dear Natalia! In the given context, the polymorphism is a display of variability of a sample differential staining of chromosomes. Speaking uproshchenno, as " about a rainbow " - there, where at the majority of people on 9 chromosome a unpainted site dekondensirovannoj chromosomes, at your husband - painted, condensed, or, on terminology - geterohromatinovyj. As you and see, it has not affected or influenced your husband in any way. Most likely, it will not affect or influence in any way and a divergence of chromosomes at education of spermatozoons.