Просмотр полной версии : In a week from a summer residence bring a cat. The analysis on a toxoplasmosis has shown: IgM-abs...

25.08.2004, 01:43
In a week from a summer residence bring a cat. The analysis on a toxoplasmosis has shown: IgM-abs, IgG-abs. How much or As far as I understand, immunity to toksikoplazmozu at me is not present also I can catch it or him. Heard, that toksikoplazmozom from a cat it is possible to catch only in first three weeks after the infection has got in an organism of an animal. It is the truth??? If a cat to overdo gde-those 3 weeks he will be already safe for me??? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
26.08.2004, 09:40
Yes. It is not assured, cho he will be absolutely safe for you, it will be necessary to repeat the analysis on JgM