Просмотр полной версии : At me in July, 2002 the daughter was born. The child full-term. There was an operation kesa...

12.08.2004, 03:40
At me in July, 2002 the daughter was born. The child full-term. There was an operation cesarean section iz-for serious forms of a placental detachment. In November, 2003 there was an abortion on term of 9 10 weeks and here now I have again become pregnant. I very much would not like that to me again did or made operation - very much I wish to give birth itself, and doctors speak, that I too have early become pregnant. But also to do or make abortion after an abortion I am afraid. Therefore would like to ask what reasons for that that in this situation to give birth or travail, and by what - to do or make abortion?

14.08.2004, 06:40
My opinion - for abortion simply is not present reasons. Even if it is necessary to transfer or carry again cesarean - unless it important? Seldom who after cesarean itself gives birth or travails, but in fact the decision will be accepted by the doctor to the extremity or end of pregnancy. And now to build forecasts hardly. Simply I consider or count, that just abortion at the given stage - riskovano.

JUlja Kim
16.08.2004, 17:43
At us doctors really after the first cesarean try to cut all, but in fact I had a congenital pathology iz-for which I could give birth or travail itself, and amotio or detachment has arisen iz-for traumas. Some doctors speak easier me, that abortion now is better to make, and in a year or about that to become pregnant and give birth already most - from the first cesarean should pass or take place 3 4 years and then they enable to give birth most.

17.08.2004, 14:48
Solve, but abortion - all the same risk, especially was an abortion. Besides, if you also sustain 4 years, it yet a guarantee of that will allow most to give birth or travail. At one my friend on 39 week the seam has started to miss on a uterus so no endurance or quotation has helped or assisted. Think, whether it is possible to hope that for the present vilami on water pisano. The decision all ranvo is closer to sorts or labors is accepted.

21.08.2004, 00:45
I too consider or count, that at abortion you risk more. And all the same anybody to you will not tell or say, what can give birth itself while up to sorts or labors there will be no week 2 3. So here estimate - will make abortion in vain, God forbid, will earn a pack of complications, and then all the same kesareo it is necessary to do or make, quite probably, but already with the inferior health...

22.08.2004, 05:59
Thanks, for answers, I have now phoned to the familiar doctor and she too to me has advised to give birth or travail. ONCE AGAIN MANY THANKS.

26.08.2004, 04:16
Success to you, JUlja!