Просмотр полной версии : Hello, at me on 10 week beremenosti on US have diagnosed " for...

Dzhulja on June, 27th 2004
19.08.2004, 14:29
Hello, at me on 10 week beremenosti on US " the stood pregnancy " and vesical drift have diagnosed. Explain please what is it such and the reasons of occurrence. Thanks.

23.08.2004, 11:09
I too had a stood pregnancy, have revealed on 12 week when botched work has begun. Have sent in hospital where there was a spontaneous abortion and cleaning has followed. Then it was longly surveyed, have revealed, that at me endocrine problems and iz-for it or this pregnancy has ceased to develop. Has then become pregnant in a year, the truth sat all pregnancy on Dexamethazonum, and here to my princess already almost 7 years. Do not despair, surveyed necessarily and give birth or travail, all will be good. In occasion of vesical drift I do not know, did not hear about such.

The anonym
24.08.2004, 02:22
The reasons of occurrence PZ are unknown. The urgent currettage is necessary. If the diagnosis will prove to be true gistologicheski - treatment at the oncologist.

25.08.2004, 06:54
Hi it Dzhulja. In occasion of PZ doctors are assured, t. To. At cleaning puzyrki from a pearl were on the face, on gistalogiju have sent in regional hospital and we look forward to hearing, TVG at us do not do or make and while on a status I can not go to regional hospital, I wait for analyses on HGCH. Doctors cannot explain the reason of occurrence PZ, have forbidden at least 2 years to think of pregnancy and have told or said to be surveyed each two weeks. I searched for the information about PZ but could not find anywhere, what is it, to what illnesses or diseases concerns and later two years after treatment the probability of repetition PZ is how much great at following pregnancy. In a word I wish to know all about PZ. Within this week I shall receive the answer of analyses and dumat that I shall do or make further. While all.