Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me a bacterial vaginosis. Have appointed or nominated Ampicillinum (in a large dose...

24.08.2004, 02:33
At me a bacterial vaginosis. Have appointed or nominated Ampicillinum (in a large dose 1 ED 4 times in laziness, 5 days) + Biseptolum 480 (on 2 2 times a day, 5 days). Today 5 day, tomorrow should go to the doctor that have already appointed or nominated Metronidazolum. The menses today has begun.
At me to you 2 questions:
1. How you think, how much effectively such treatment?
2. What to me to do or make, if the menses has begun? Anything, what I stop treatment for its or her period and only after its or her termination or ending I shall start to put suppositories Klion-D or is simple metronidazolovye??

In advance thanks.

24.08.2004, 09:02
CHtitajutakoe treatment neobosnovanym. At bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoze the share of presence chronic trihomoniaza then ntszhno to begin treatment with a menses is high, but it is necessary obomtrit and to confirm trihomoniaz. In OTHER CASE take our DOMESTIC NORFLOKSATSIN ON 1 In DAY FOR 5 7 DAYS (during a menses). pose menstuatsii to hand over the analysis vydeleny.

Pasenjuk A.M.
25.08.2004, 06:09
At least the strange scheme or plan of treatment at a bacterial vaginosis. Now it is desirable to spend during a menses treatments tabletirovannymi preparations, after a menses - suppositories or metrinodazolovym gel.