Просмотр полной версии : Boris Aleksandrovich! In June I plan report EKO + IKSI (the man's factor, 1...

24.08.2004, 14:51
Boris Aleksandrovich! In June I plan report EKO + IKSI (the man's factor, 1 attempt unsuccessful). Today has received results of a smear - a ureaplasma. Have appointed or nominated treatment into which enters junidoks and me and the husband. Whether tell or say skazhitsja reception of an antibiotic on parameters spermagrammy (a semen with very low mobility of semens.) and whether it is possible to accept in general an antibiotic in April if in June we plan the report??? Thanks huge!!!

Kamenetskij B.A.
24.08.2004, 19:03
I do not think, that the appointed or nominated treatment can kak-to affect or have an effect that on an outcome of procedure.