Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! My wife as a contraceptive used a solution limonno...

15.08.2004, 01:04
Good afternoon! My wife as a contraceptive used a solution of a citric acid, but nevertheless has become pregnant. Tell or say, whether there is a probability of deviations or rejections in a fetation? CHto-something heard about " a combustion of an ootid " as a result of which there can be teratisms. Please, respond. Abortion or to give birth or travail?

The anonym
18.08.2004, 15:25
Simply Stone Age any or deaf or indistinct village, but with the Internet!!

20.08.2004, 20:37
Do not experience - in any way the acid could not reach an ootid, its or her spermatozoon in current 2 3 days after the certificate or act only has found and at all in a vagina. And for the future - it is valid, that you so, Alexey, with kislotoj-that! You in boiled water would plant or put it or her!

22.08.2004, 00:05
Alain, excuse, you are a doctor?
I do or make poprovku: the acid was acetic. And after that sexual certificate or act "processing" too was.

24.08.2004, 18:50
No, I not the doctor, am simple from 12 years on gynecologists and it was necessary already most I booze all to study or investigate. As a result - in August labors. Look for something nauchno-popular about process of a fertilization - even in books about pregnancy there is this description. The spermatozoon reaches an ootid only in some days, overtakes it or her in fallopievoj to a pipe (these are such tubules which connect or bridge a uterus to ovaries). And then already impregnated ootid - a zygote - moves to a uterus, besides not for one day. If it's OK - it is attached inside of a uterus, in a layer endometrija which there to monthly naros, and sometimes does not reach a uterus - here then extrauterine and only operation. Well it so, elements, you look and more in detail all will find. The main thing - that from millionnov spermatozoons reaches through all obexes - and there a heap of obstacles and in the form of back streets, and mucous dense - the strongest and so reaches! We when with the husband with natural filmings have looked or seen film - there all have photographed by means of a microscope naturally - so simply were stunned, how much or as far as many concurrences should occur or happen, that conception has occured or happened! And in occasion of an acid - really there is such national way, but he very much and very weak, more likely psychological:) On the future I advise, if condoms and hormonal tablets well do not go in any way - is good local, such as Farmateks for example, to you and in a drugstore, and the doctor will tell or say still what. Only the main thing neither up to nor after soap to not use - action collapses or is blasted. If still doubt - descend or go to the doctor! Success!