Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte the doctor. At the husband 3 group of a blood (+) at me 1 (-), me of 29 years (in...

24.08.2004, 03:27
Zdrastvujte the doctor. At the husband 3 group of a blood (+) at me 1 (-), me of 29 years (in 1996, 1997 was two abortions (mini)). Now I want zaberemennit, but all over again has decided to consult what it is necessary to make analyses and can be pass or take place any inspection, what chances at different a rhesus factors to give birth to the healthy child?

Oshchepkova S.R.
24.08.2004, 18:37
The immunologic conflict is caused by incompatibility of a blood of mother and a fetus on rezus-to the factor and system AVO owing to what hemolitic illness or disease of a fetus and the newborn develops.
By the nature rezus-the factor is a protein which contains basically in erythrocytes, to a lesser degree - in leucocytes, thrombocytes and other cells of tissues. Rezus-the factor, getting in a blood rezus-the negative person, causes its or his immunization that is shown by development or manufacture antirezus-antibodies. So transfusion rezus-a positive blood rezus-to the negative patient stimulates education of antibodies in 50 % of cases.
In immunization rezus-the negative woman can result or bring intravenous introduction rezus-the positive blood, previous spontaneous or artificial abortions, an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis, but more often - pregnancy and labors rezus-a positive fetus, especially at operational interventions: manual unit of a placenta or cesarean section. Rezus-immunizations promote disturbances of integrity vorsin a chorion observed at gestozah, threats of an abortion, infectious and ekstrogenitalnyh diseases as a result of which in a blood flow of mother enough fetalnyh erythrocytes acts.
Proceeding through a placenta rezusnye antibodies cause a hemolysis of erythrocytes of a fetus with development of typical displays of hemolitic illness or disease.
At izosensibilizatsii women on rezus-to the factor and system AVO it is observed not only a birth of a fetus with attributes of hemolitic illness or disease, but also antenatalnaja destruction of fetuses and a repeated spontaneous abortion. At high activity of antibodies misbirths can come or step in early durations of gestation.
Great value for forecasting pregnancy the estimation has a rhesus of an accessory or a belonging of the husband. If at the father a rhesus a negative blood all children of this pair will have Rh-a negative blood. If at the father a rhesus a positive blood the fetus can be both a rhesus positive, and a rhesus negative. Thus, in 50 % of cases the fetus will be a rhesus positive and in 50 % a rhesus negative.
The big diagnostic value or meaning;importance has research rezus-antibodies in a blood of the pregnant woman. At research pay attention to size of an antiserum capacity and on its or his fluctuations during pregnancy. Height of an antiserum capacity at mother and the obstetric anamnesis help or assist to prognosticate gravity of hemolitic illness or disease of a fetus during pregnancy priblizitelnno in 62 % a case.
At a credit rezus-antibodies 1 : 16 risk of fetal destruction of a fetus reaches or achieves 10 %. Direct dependence between height of an antiserum capacity and a degree of a lesion of the child at hemolitic illness or disease of the newborn is not present. At a low antiserum capacity (1 : 2, 1 : 4) equally often arise both easy or light;mild and serious forms of hemolitic illness or disease of the newborn. At the same time at a high antiserum capacity easy or light;mild forms do not meet. The credit 1 : 32 in the majority of laboratories is considered critical, that is at excess of this value or meaning;importance the opportunity mertvorozhdenija becomes appreciable.
Be surveyed under the general or common program: all smears on ZPPP, define or determine anew group of a blood + AT, conduct the schedule of rectal temperature, be surveyed on a toxoplasmosis, a herpes, a rubella and TSMV.
Chance to give birth to the healthy kid big.