Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! I think, that my question excites all pregnant women. At me...

21.08.2004, 07:12
Hello the doctor!
I think, that my question excites all pregnant women. At me pregnancy of 8 weeks. It would be desirable to save a figure, the form of a breast, to be saved from extensions and obvislostej after sorts or labors. Recommend please as it to make the best way. That it is possible to start to do or make already now. In advance thanks.

22.08.2004, 11:53
The form of a breast can be saved only in one way - to refuse a lactemia, and it means to deprive with the child of feeding by maternal milk, and extensions can be avoided if already now to use creams from extensions, for elasticity of a skin and t. Item

23.08.2004, 16:51
" The form of a breast can be saved only in one way - to refuse a lactemia ". Bolshego breda I eshe ne slishala

Pasenjuk A.M.
24.08.2004, 03:26
Now to be engaged in gymnastics and navigation (if there are no contraindications - threat of an abortion, a placental presentation and tp). To apply agents against extensions. To watch or keep up a set of weight, to not afford superfluous. To wear linen for beermennyh and feeding is will support or maintain a breast. To remember, that feeding by a breast at all does not spoil last.

24.08.2004, 17:48
Albina! I shall give you advice or council about a breast. During pregnancy at me the breast has increased from 1 size on incomplete 3. After the beginning of a lactemia - up to 4. The child fed it is high-grade, and now at me a breast - envy for ostalnyj ladies, again the incomplete 3 size, but does not hang at all. For this purpose I constantly wore a bra, used creams from extensions. When you feed the child, important holding one arm or hand of the child, the second to hold a breast that he sucked papilla and peripapillary area, and a breast it was not delayed, as at milking the cow (I apologize for comparison). My doctor has advised at pregnancy even for the night to dress lifchik, only without ossicles or bonelets, mjagenky, h/. So successes!