Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, already 2 times we with the husband spent treatment from gardeneleza. The third already...

23.08.2004, 06:17
The doctor, already 2 times we with the husband spent treatment from gardeneleza. The third it is already terrible to hand over analyses. Where it is possible to receive the good scheme or plan of treatment?
For the first time there was gardenelez + a mycoplasma.
The second - gardenelez + uroplazma.
Still the husband on a member had blisters or blebs. Have gone or send to the doctor, postivili the diagnosis herpes at it or him, but at me all in norm or rate (on analezu bloods). I do not understand what's the matter. Gerpis it is passed sexual by? And on labiums it too most. Write more in detail about these infections.

23.08.2004, 09:22
At you chronic urogenital trihomoniaz.
www/rusmedserv. com/board/Obstetrics and gynecology. Discussion For doctors engaged IPP. Chronic trihomoniaz.
Do not lose money and yremeni, be surveyed on trihomonadonositelstvo.

23.08.2004, 23:43
While the dear doctor has not removed the report! A bacterial vaginosis - not venereal disease, and disturbance of balance of flora, it is known a minimum about 95 years. Replace the attending physician!

Maljarskaja M.M.
24.08.2004, 10:23
The herpes - on genitals or genitalias are one type on labiums - other type. At the husband is at you is not present is normally, immunity means at you more strongly. But the virus all the same can be, but dalzhe if there is no, it too normlano, means will appear later. About etlm do not mourn. A bacterial vaginosis - a dysbacteriosis, meeet the reasons: a disadvantage of sour-milk products, wearing of close synthetic linen, reception of strong antibiotics..
Into the scheme or plan of treatment should enter imunnye preparations, it is desirable picked up individulno under the special analysis on chustvitelnost to inductors of an interferon. After reception of antibiotics it is necessary to restore flora.
To be treated it is necessary together. To be protected by a condom. And to supervise effect lechenja not earlier than in a month after reception of last tablet.