Просмотр полной версии : I asked a question in occasion of an endocervicitis and dysplasias 2. Whether can be en...

22.08.2004, 14:02
I asked a question in occasion of an endocervicitis and dysplasias 2. Whether there can be an endocervicitis at following results vydeleny: epitelij-flat, lejkotsity-3 5 in p/z, slime in has died kol-ve, flora-bacillary. Result tsitologii-a dysplasia 2. promduktsija ts/an epithelium shejki uteruses. Whether it is possible only metiluratsilovymi to cure suppositories dislaziju 2. Can eat any more effective preparations?

Savchenko A.A.
24.08.2004, 03:58
I consider or count that your therapy should be strengthened, can be add antibiotics. If do not trust the doctor - address to another.