Просмотр полной версии : I have overslept with the guy not being protected, but he in me did not finish, now at men...

23.08.2004, 15:57
I have overslept with the guy not being protected, but he in me did not finish, now I do not have monthly 1, 5 months. To hospital did not go, and the test has given negative result.

24.08.2004, 03:17
Dear polina! Specify, please, how old are you, t. To. If your age is less 20, there is a high probability of that this delay monthly - result of failure in an organism for this or that reason (stress, illness or disease, weariness, nedosypanie). Most likely, you are not pregnant, however, for your calm vsyo-taki descend or go to the gynecologist or in "JUventu" (any anonymous teenage center).