Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 16 years. A delay 5 weeks. I already had delays...

23.08.2004, 00:12
Hello! To me of 16 years. A delay 5 weeks. I already had delays, but not such long. Contacts without condoms was not. The test did or made 10 times within a month with negative result - pregnancy is not present. Before the presumable beginning of a cycle there was a session, then already during a delay has had been ill with an angina. After that went to Belarus, where played snowballs much (change of time zone could be frozen) +. Whether all could affect or influence it so strongly a delay? Whether I am pregnant, not looking what there were prodelanno so much tests with negative result? What to me to do or make?!?! With impatience I look forward to hearing. Yours faithfully, Elena.

24.08.2004, 02:37
Elena! I consider or count, that if 10 tests have not shown pregnancy, means it or her are not present. Most likely, you deistvitelno had a failure in an organism.
And here the reason can find out, only the gynecologist.
Necessarily positite the doctor, it for you will be most reasonable. to. On an Internet you who will not cure. Success!