Просмотр полной версии : Girls, greetings to all! Prompt, there can be somebody collided or faced: as m...

19.08.2004, 19:51
Girls, greetings to all! Prompt, there can be somebody collided or faced: as it is possible to distinguish in house conditions usual allocation from podtekanija amniotic waters, what is it such and than threatens, heard, that for this purpose it is necessary to hand over analyses! To us 36 nedelek, problems any are not present, only here with it or this: allocation belenkie, transparent, without a smell, but confuses, that as vodichka, liquid! Thanks, I shall wait the answer

20.08.2004, 04:00
I tozhe na takom sroke. Kak i perezhivau. Esche, durochka posmotrela film o rodah. Eto nashla v razdele rody, zaidi, pochitai na www. rodi. ru. Udachi. More often than water colorless, with an impurity small white hlopev - syrovidnaja greasing of a fetus. Much less often they of green or yellow color that it is impossible to name norm or rate. It can testify to fetal suffering of a fetus, closer or more attentive observation over a status of a fetus in sorts or labors in that case is required.

In most cases waters give vent in enough plenty (nearby 250 - 300 ml), t. e. To not notice them it is impossible. If you during this moment laid, big maculae on bed if stood luzhitsa on a floor is formed. Sometimes waters leak in the small portions, and it is complex or difficult to understand: waters it or usual allocation. It is necessary to notice, that the quantity or amount mucous vydeleny increases or is enlarged in the extremity or end of pregnancy, they can be liquid enough. For vydeleny that they can flow out, for example, in the morning is more characteristic, and within next several hours nothing leaks. Amniotic waters if they have started to leak, flow constantly, t. e. The lining or shorts constantly become impregnated with a moisture in a small amount. If you cannot exclude podtekanie some waters it is better to see a doctor a maternity home which will precisely define or determine: leak waters or have simply amplified allocation.

23.08.2004, 17:51
Svetlana, many thanks to you for the answer! Necessarily all I shall read through! I wish you easy or light;mild sorts or labors, do not worry the main thing, all will be good and I wish healthy, beautiful malyshika! Success!!!

24.08.2004, 01:46
Spasibo za pozhelanie i tebe tozhe. I uzhe sumku sobrala. Budu zhdat.