Просмотр полной версии : Two weeks ago has transferred or carried operation. To me have removed a uterus and both of an ovary. Gisto...

18.08.2004, 02:50
Two weeks ago has transferred or carried operation. To me have removed a uterus and both of an ovary. A histology normal. What for me waits in the future and what measures should be undertaken? A climacterium before operation was not. And. M.

19.08.2004, 08:08
What does the normal histology mean? What there it is normal if to you have removed a uterus and ovaries?

20.08.2004, 00:18
Under a normal histology I mean, that malignant neoplasms it was revealed not.

21.08.2004, 14:20
Under a normal histology I mean, that malignant neoplasms it was revealed not.

22.08.2004, 07:04
Well inform even that that was revealed at histological research of an operational material, that is your uterus and appendages

23.08.2004, 18:14
Unfortunately, to decipher everything, that is written in epikrize, I cannot.
The diagnosis at entering: the Plural hysteromyoma. The general or common augmentation till 20 weeks of pregnancy with a low locating of sites. Change of function of the next organs. An anemia of 2 degrees.
3.02.03. CHrevosechenie - low ablation of a uterus with appendages from both parties or sides.
Gistoloija: Ovaries * ** ** *. Endometrioznye cysts. A fibrosis of a stroma. Uterine pipes with a subatrophy of an epithelium. * ** ** a fibrosis of a stroma. Endometry with attributes zhelezisto-a cellular hyperplasia.