Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstaujte, the doctor. In me have found out a ureaplasmosis and chlamydias (result with...

22.08.2004, 10:03
Zdravstaujte, the doctor. In me have found out a ureaplasmosis and chlamydias (result slabopolozhitelnyj " + + "). After course of treatment (kirin + medofljukon) a ureaplasmosis have not found out, and chlamydias have remained (result slabopolozhitelnyj "+"). My doctor approves or confirms what to continue treatment of a clamidiosis it is not necessary. Whether So it? Besides after treatment at me results bakterioskopii have worsened: the epithelium - means. (before treatment - means.), leucocytes 90 100 (before treatment - 20 30), coccuses - znach (before treatment - has died), diplokkoki - znach. (do-it is uniform.), fuziformnye bacteria - means (up to - has died), mitsely mushrooms znach (up to - not obnar.). Than this deterioration can be caused or called? A sexual life of all this time did not live. It can a thrush?

Malanova T.B.
23.08.2004, 11:36
Now at you a thrush. It is necessary to treat.