Просмотр полной версии : Hello once again, dear Tatyana Borisovna. Thanks you big for about...

21.08.2004, 14:37
Hello once again, dear Tatyana Borisovna. Thanks you big for the answer to my question (a question - on December, 09th 2003 11 : 00 : 01).
The matter is that my weight is more 50 kg (51 kg) To tell the truth, it is absolutely undesirable to me to reduce fiz. A load. It too is necessary?
Whether can kak-that on this all to affect or influence vitamins and Haematogenum (on one tile in day), heard, that he is useful and in this situation too.
Still such question, in one conference I was frightened, what is it with hormonal disturbances, and now, at these disturbances, I shall grow stout even from vegetables and fruit and, even if to eat in day on one morkovke. Whether such outcome is possible or probable?
In advance thanks.
Yours faithfully, Sunny

Malanova T.B.
23.08.2004, 05:06