Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstujte, I any more so a long time wrote to you, about allocation of a blood...: ..

20.08.2004, 07:07
Zdravstujte, I any more so a long time wrote to you, about allocation of a blood...:
Katya on September, 08th 2004 16 : 10 : 07
6, 09, 2004 has occured or happened at me chtoto chen strange... To me of 16 years, at all for a long time has entered into a sexual life with an opposite floor... But why that after first time, at me was not bloods, and was completely not sick, though it was my first partner.... Monthly came to an end at me 12 days ago and 6.09.07 on shorts I have found out a few or a little;little bit bloods. I very much experience, what is it could be...?!: (this day I entered into sexual contact. Please respond, what is it at me was... Monthly should begin only in 15 20 days... And here a few or a little;little bit bloods there was also all.. Is not present more... Please tell or say what is it? I experience...
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On September, 09th 2004 08 : 30 : 34
Most likely it is break plevy.
I would like still or even which what to ask... After that incident with me chtoto neto, I can prsoto I experience strongly... And in fact nervous cells are not restored...: (
I prostoto very strongly experience... WELL as you know to me of 16 years, and in difference from other girls of my age, at me very small breast...: (but after some time, after that vydeenija (I wrote above), at me the breast has a little increased... And like proceeds to increase or be enlarged, but she does not hurt, as it at me is usual before monthly, she simply grows... Increases or is enlarged... It is normal? She can at me and should continue the body height.. Simply she at me very small.. And here has suddenly started to increase or be enlarged... But it is not fast.. And so... Or at me all is an occasion worries, what I am pregnant?? Unless such can be? In fact through such short term, a breast cannot start to increase or be enlarged... Prompt please, I very much experience.. And more the question, since what month should start to grow a stomach or belly???

Malanova T.B.
23.08.2004, 04:32
1. As you know, what nervous cells are not restored, what for you to yourselves frame such chronic stress???? 2. If the affinity was in the middle of a cycle (beginning or starting from the first day menstruatsii-14 16 day), the affinity was without a condom pregnancy is possible or probable. However, by your words, after affinity there was a menses?! 3. Even if you pregnant women, the breast now does not grow. To you with YOUR uneasiness, it only seems. 4.16 years - too early you have decided to enter an adult life.