Просмотр полной версии : Tatyana Borisovna! Good afternoon! At me very urgent question in occasion of vzaim...

19.08.2004, 03:45
Tatyana Borisovna! Good afternoon! At me very urgent question in occasion of interaction of preparations. The gynecologist has appointed or nominated to me to accept 7 days Diflazon (50 mg, structure Flukonazol) and suppositories Gino-pivaril (mushrooms are found in a smear). Simultaneously at me obostilsja a clottage a heme. The site, the proctologist has appointed or nominated Detraleks 7 days under the scheme or plan (cleared mikronizirovannaja flavonoidnaja fraction). Already 4 j day I accept both priparata simultaneously, but has suddenly reflected - whether normally they cooperate? The most important - whether will decrease efficiency of treatment of both problems at such combination of preparations? If they are not so compatible, I can even posl. 4 days to cancel Diflazon therefore as it is more important to me to cure tromoz. Please, prompt, whether my trouble is justified?

Malanova T.B.
22.08.2004, 17:38
It is possible to accept all preparations.