Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Prompt, whether the colpostenosis can at be pregnant...

21.08.2004, 08:29
The dear doctor! Prompt, whether there can be a colpostenosis at pregnancy of 6 7 weeks. There was a delay three weeks, the test did not show pregnancy, but all other attributes were (a nausea, a sleepiness). The bleeding has then begun. Scraped, soskob was poor or scanty, the histology has not shown pregnancy. And before it or this at zanjatiii sex the husband has told or said, that at me the vagina became any narrow, to him even was sick. Iz-for what it or he could have these sensations? And whether I was pregnant? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
22.08.2004, 11:03
Colpostenoses at beermennosti do not happen. Most likely you had a delay iz-for dysfunctions of ovaries.