Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatna Borisovna! Thanks, for the answer from 21.11.03 (At me adenomio...

20.08.2004, 14:32
Dear Tatna Borisovna! Thanks, for the answer from 21.11.03 (At me an adenomyosis. Initially on US the uterus and ovaries, multifollicular transformation of ovaries, indirect attributes of an internal endometriosis of a uterus 2 items have been increased Accepted 1, 5 years gestageny (6 months ekskljuton, and then djufaston). On kontorlnom US all in norm or rate. Has made a break in reception for 3 months (according to the doctor). Already 2 oh month again I drink djufaston on 1 tab. 2 times a day with 5 for 25 day of a cycle. Me disturbs, that during these or it 2 h months at me a menses each 2 weeks. Well, if the last month I could connect it that has at the wrong time drunk a tablet this month I drink strictly on hours. And it not simply intermenstrual allocation, and the present or true menses within 5 days. With what it can be connected. Thanks.

Malanova T.B. November, 21st 2003 12 : 25 : 42
If to you less than 35 years it is reaction to preparations. You should add estrogens.)

But on how much I know, estrogens in treatment of an endometriosis do not apply iz-that endometrioidnye sites develop under their influence. Or I am mistaken? To me 27 years, beremennostej were not and yet I do not plan. I understand, that in absentia you on appoint or nominate treatment, but can will prompt me links where I can read through about new methods of treatment of an endometriosis. I the doctor, agree to esteem and the foreign literature. In advance I thank.

Malanova T.B.
22.08.2004, 00:25
Oksana, at your age you naturally will krovit on pure or clean gestagenah. Use djufastona at your age is not meaningful for treatment of an endometriosis. Look or see in Vidale danazol, zoladeks, depo-probelief.