Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, many thanks for your answer from 23.07.01. You otvetilm m...

21.08.2004, 04:29
The dear doctor, many thanks for your answer from 23.07.01. You otvetilm to me, that gardnerella is not so sensitive to a doxycycline. The doctor, please, do not ignore my question, respond please, than it is necessary to replace it or him. Offer, please, the scheme or plan of treatment, I shall try it or her to discuss with treating vrachem.
Unfortunately, we in city, most likely, do not have good doctors, in order to prevent a carelessness and so we are treated together with the husband in the paid medical center, however, mistakes or errors of the doctor were avoided.
I beg, the doctor, respond!

Maljarskaja M.M.
21.08.2004, 22:18
Preparations of a choice at treatment of a bacterial vaginosis - Trichopolum, Tinidazolum or tiberal (something one on a choice) + dalatsin - a cream for the night in a vagina