Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, hello. Prompt please, that to me to do or make. At me devjata...

20.08.2004, 13:17
The doctor, hello.
Prompt please, that to me to do or make. At me the ninth week of pregnancy. I have caught a cold. And very much I experience in this occasion. Whether my cold to the child can to damage or injure;hurt? A rhinitis, temperature 37 37.3 I Know, that happens and is worse, but my present status not from pleasant. Speak, that it is impossible to accept medicines and even drops in a nose. Here also I am flied or treated only by hot milk with honey, tea with a raspberry, tea with a lemon. But such feeling, that helps or assists nothing to me. How to be? All can taki there are any medicines which have no contraindications for pregnant women.
Thankful in advance for the answer.

Ryazanov And.
21.08.2004, 19:14
From a rhinitis - drops in a nose with salt (on a glass of warm water or nastoja camomiles - 1 ch. L. Salts or soda). Also can apply any drops which are not counter-indicative at pregnancy under condition of their short use. Try or taste without fears protorgol or Naphthyzinum, it is possible bioparoks. From tussis - Travisil in a syrup or Mucaltinum and tablets termopsisa. Gargles of a throat broths from grasses - camomiles, Calendulaes. Such temperature is not dangerous.