Просмотр полной версии : Whether illness or disease "hemophilia" only genetic by is passed? Or vozmozhn...

20.08.2004, 10:07
Whether illness or disease "hemophilia" only genetic by is passed? Or other ways, whether for example probably a birth of the sick son at mother visited in Chernobyl during pregnancy are possible or probable?

The anonym
20.08.2004, 13:39
1. Looking at what duration of gestation mother has visited Chernobyl.... If in the first 6 weeks, consequences unpredictable.
2. If it is a question of a hemophilia (as the established or installed diagnosis), unequivocally mother the carrier or bearer of a hemophilia...
And if it is a question of disturbances of coagulability of a blood variants here are possible or probable.

21.08.2004, 05:55
Is not present the hemophilia is a question of the diagnosis. By your words it turns out, that my aunt (from mother) the carrier or bearer of this gene. What probability, that my son too will be sick (at my mother two daughters).
I thank for the answer.