Просмотр полной версии : Tatyana Borisovna, I asked you a question: Hello. At me 13 years ago...

18.08.2004, 01:15
Tatyana Borisovna, I asked you a question: Hello. I 13 years ago had a purulent peritonitis (appendicitis), and after that, as complication, an abscess. And after that I was ill with an icterus. The diagnosis was - a hepatitis of an obscure etiology. The doctor then has told or said, that, most likely, it was complication on a liver after a lethal course of antibiotics. Prompt, whether it can kak-to be reflected that in planned pregnancy? I need kak-to be surveyed in addition that? In advance thanks. You have responded me: possible or probable pregnancy is influenced with your adherent or adhesive process. Before putting off or taking out of contraception it is necessary to pass or take place inspection at the therapist or the hepatologist * ** I wished to tell or say, that adherent or adhesive process at me is not present. And the doctor the hepatologist happens in each out-patient department or it is necessary to address in any specialized center? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
21.08.2004, 00:13
It is necessary to address to the therapist, if necessary and at presence of the hepatologist, you will send to it or him;them.