Просмотр полной версии : Zdrasvtsvjte, the doctor! Recently I had a PROTECTED sexual certificate or act (ispolzova...

17.08.2004, 15:35
Zdrasvtsvjte, the doctor! Recently I had a PROTECTED sexual certificate or act (used a condom). For "confidence" has accepted tablet "postinora". Later 4 days have begun mucous allocation, pinkish color, as though krovjanistye. What is it can be? Can, reaction on "postinor"? Thanks.

20.08.2004, 22:18
It is hormonal failure as a result of reception of the big dose of a hormone - postinora. It or him use only in extreme cases. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.